Since these quail will not hatch their own eggs any longer we must hatch them. You can use an incubator or find a broody bantam hen (small chicken).
To get started with your quail you don't have to get an incubator right away if you have someone in your area that sales chicks. I suggest starting this way because incubators can be pricey. Mine was $180.00 but I bought it after I already had some chicks from a local producer.
I bought this one because it has digital thermometer, humidity gauge, fan for moving air and an automatic egg turner. Basically it is set it and forget it for 17 days.
The eggs need to be turned 3 times per day. If you don't have an automatic turner you have to do it.
This incubator holds a steady 99.6 degrees. I have not used any other incubators but have friends that have used different brands and steady temperature has been a problem.
This incubator holds 50 quail eggs.
Process for hatching:
Collect 50 eggs that are less than 7 days old
Turn incubator on a couple of hours before placing eggs.
Put eggs in and make sure turner is on.
After 14 days turn turner off, add water to bring humidity up.
Chicks start hatching from day 16 to 18.
Let chicks dry before moving to brooder
You should get 40 - 60% hatch rate.
Once you have an incubator hatching is addicting.
My incubator has not been off for almost a year now.