Saturday, June 27, 2015

Day 37

What a day. I don't usually put my political points of view out to the public but here it goes.

I was raised in a conservative republican home. I was taught that my vote mattered and that we the people ran this great country of ours.

At age 50 my views have changed. I don't see any difference between the R and the D any longer. Most likely there never was a difference. The powers at be seem to always give us, ''we the people'', two choices on what they want to distract us with.

I believe most Americans want to be left alone to live their life the way they want without the government telling you what to do.


I want chickens.  Stay out of my backyard.

Gay people want to get married let them but don't make me be a part of it if I don't want to.
Government should not be involved with marriage period.

If I want any kind of flag I can have it. If Walmart doesn't want to sale them they don't have to.

If I want health insurance I will get it. Don't put a gun to my head and make me buy it.

Drugs, your choice.
Guns, your choice.

If you harm anyone with your choices you pay the price.

I am not sure what label you would have to put these views under, close to anarchist but not quite. How about min-archist.

Enough of this rant for now. Back to the garden.


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