Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Day 40 Raising Quail on Your Homestead or Backyard

I am starting a series of post that will show you the ins and outs of raising quail for meat, eggs and maybe some profit in your backyard.  We will go through each step, how much things cost, things I will not do again or what I would do differently.

I want your questions, so comment below.

I will keep each section short with a new section coming each day.


Day 39

Much cooler today. High around 85. Have to put a new transmission in the work truck.

8 baby quail hatched during the day.  Should have several more tomorrow.

Sunday, June 28, 2015

Day 38

Great day today. Built our chicken pen fence taller so the two that keep hopping it can't. The have been eating our tomatoes. No more.....

Built a new gate so the dogs can't push it open and escape.

10 more bags of garden soil for the raised beds. Going to plant some radishes.

Taller fences

New Gate

Saturday, June 27, 2015

Day 37

What a day. I don't usually put my political points of view out to the public but here it goes.

I was raised in a conservative republican home. I was taught that my vote mattered and that we the people ran this great country of ours.

At age 50 my views have changed. I don't see any difference between the R and the D any longer. Most likely there never was a difference. The powers at be seem to always give us, ''we the people'', two choices on what they want to distract us with.

I believe most Americans want to be left alone to live their life the way they want without the government telling you what to do.


I want chickens.  Stay out of my backyard.

Gay people want to get married let them but don't make me be a part of it if I don't want to.
Government should not be involved with marriage period.

If I want any kind of flag I can have it. If Walmart doesn't want to sale them they don't have to.

If I want health insurance I will get it. Don't put a gun to my head and make me buy it.

Drugs, your choice.
Guns, your choice.

If you harm anyone with your choices you pay the price.

I am not sure what label you would have to put these views under, close to anarchist but not quite. How about min-archist.

Enough of this rant for now. Back to the garden.


Day 36

Just a normal Friday.

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Day 35

Better day today. Had to take out 3 trees that died. Can't figure out what happened to them.
One left to cut down.

going to try to burn stump out.

fire is started.

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Day 34

Today is one of those days when you are not sure if you want to be a homesteader.  We had a 6 month old rooster named Reggie.  A week ago he started limping.  Couldn't find any thing wrong with him.  As of two days ago he couldn't even walk.  I had to put him down today.  Hopefully tomorrow Will be better.

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Day 33

Internet back up. Broken wire down the road

Planted some pumpkins for ground cover around 90 days ago.

This is one of the vines. It seems to be growing about a foot per day

Day 32

Internet down.  See you tomorrow.

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Day 31

Yard mowed - check
Heat stroke. - check
Now it's time to relax and eat some homemade ice cream.  Donna makes the best ice cream.


50 quail eggs or 10 chicken eggs. (we use quail because I think it taste better and we have a lot of them)

2 cups sugar
1 can of condensed milk
1 gallon of whole milk
1 teaspoon vanilla

Blend eggs, add sugar blend again, add condensed milk blend again, add milk (almost the whole gallon) then add vanilla.

In the mixer add layer of ice then layer of salt with a cup of water.  Do this till it is full.

Saturday, June 20, 2015

Day 30

Lazy day for me.  Yes, I should be mowing yard, building water catchment for the quail, weeding garden, building raised beds, finishing my shed roof, and much more.

kicken it in the ENO lounger.

Friday, June 19, 2015

Day 29

All I have to say is it's Friday.  The sun is still up and I am going to bed.  I must be getting old.

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Day 28

Had a canopy installed on one of the work properties today.  Looks like it is going to be a good addition.

It has a sensor on it to automatically retract if the wind comes up.

Day 27

Work normal.  Still HOT!

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Day 26

Got a straight razor today.  I will see how shaving old school goes.  Hopefully I will not become a blood donor.

Monday, June 15, 2015

Day 25

Trimming some tomato plants.  Getting rid of the suckers and getting leaves off the ground.  I have not done this before, I normally just let them go.

before cutting

fancy new cutters

after trimming

pile of stems and leaves to compost.

Sunday, June 14, 2015

Saturday, June 13, 2015

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Day 21

Ok, the habit of posting is done if it's true that it only takes 21 days to form a habit.

We had a storm roll through earlier this week taking out limbs and making a mess of the yard.
I will be cleaning up this weekend.

Day 20

Hot hot hot!!!!!!   Did I mention it was hot today?  OK enough complaining.

Just a normal day at work.

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Day 19

My nephew Derek is making  surfboard.  We found  a piece of leftover pine flooring.  We will see how this works.

Derek hand plaining. This is going to take awhile.

Day 18

Monday, Monday.... Now that the Mommas and the Pappas are going through your head lets get started.

Work as usual.  Fixed some fluorescent fixtures after a trip to home depot.  Had to get some more ballasts. 

Donna sent me a text about a raccoon eating powdered donuts near her store.

Planted some squash and radishes.  22 days on radish and 85 on squash.

Sunday, June 7, 2015

Day 17

Easy day at home. Mowed yard, feed animals, and harvested potatoes.

Day 16

Great time in Highlands. 
Dry Falls

Bascom art place

Just being goofy.

Highland Hiker where I got an ENO lounge chair that I am sitting in right note.

Art work made with light and glass.

Wolfgang Pucs restaurant in Highlands.  Didn't eat there.  Won't spend 200.00 for a meal.